Friday Tip

Dear Constant Reader,

Happy Friday! And a very happy birthday to Emporium 32! 10 years of being purveyors of cool stuff you didn’t realize you needed, but you really do. I’ll be at their party this evening. Will you?

This is my 350th tip! Here we go:
Take something from your stash of unfinished costume projects… and finish it!

We all have that pile of projects that we’ve been meaning to complete, called by some UFOs (UnFinished Objects). My advice for you this week is to go through that pile, find one thing and do whatever you need to finish it. Really evaluate what’s in the unfinished collection and figure out what you need to do to finish everything. Then pick one thing and concentrate on that. It’s possible there are some lost causes and you should recycle the materials into another project.

Just think how good you’ll feel when that pile gets smaller and your wardrobe is larger!

Help a traveling showgirl out! I’m going to Canada in August and it’s made a big dent in my rhinestone fund, Buy a book! Book me to perform or teach! Become a Patron! I’m going to come up with a Special Something for everyone who supports me on Patreon between now and August 17th. Stay tuned to learn what it is…

M2Like this tip? There are lots more in Miss Mina Murray’s Little Book of Better Burlesque.

These writings and other creative projects are supported by my Patrons. Thank you so much! To become a Patron, go to my Patreon page.