Friday Tip

Dear Constant Reader,

This Friday is the calm before the storm that is Vamps After Midnite. On Monday Hell Week begins! Do you have your tickets?

This tip is for audience members, but obviously not you, my Dear Reader. You already know this.

Turn your phone off and enjoy the show.

I know we spent a lot of time without performances where audience and performer were in the same space.Just a little reminder that phones can be very distracting not just to you, but everyone around you. They make noise and light, neither of which is great during a show. Using your phone during a performance is disrespectful to the performers and to the audience.

I’ve seen people texting, posting, and even making phone calls during the show. Please step outside if communication is so urgent that it can’t wait until intermission or the end of the show. Because everyone has a camera in their pocket now, we’ve had audience members taking flash photos, taking selfies, and filming the performances. If you’re really compelled to take photos, please, please, please turn off your flash. It’s not just rude to inflict a sudden burst of light at everyone around you, it could be dangerous if the performers can’t see because of it.

Be present, without distraction, and enjoy the performance in real time.

M2These writings and other creative projects are supported by my 12 Patrons. Thank you so much! To become a Patron, go to my Patreon page. Or you can just tip me if you liked this.