What Have I Been Up To?

Dear Constant Reader,

I know it’s been quiet here. It’s not because I’ve forgotten you.

I’m working on  my second costuming book! This one is all about hip belts and panel skirts. As I said to a friend, it’s a challenge to translate what my hands know how to do to words on the page, but I’m chipping away at it.

I’ve got Devastasia on board to create the illustrations again and Scratch will once again be doing the layout design. Our goal is to have it in your hands in the spring.

I am planning to reprint the Little Book of Better Burlesque as well. It’s been unavailable for longer than I wanted.

Also, the price of shipping internationally has gotten insane. My overseas customers are paying more for shipping than the books themselves and I hate that. To that end, I’m looking into making ebook versions of all 3 little books!

Like I did the last two times, I will probably be running a Kickstarter for pre-sales, and you will be able to order copies of the other two books as well. I will keep you all apprised as I proceed!

M2These writings and other creative projects are supported by my 17 Patrons. Thank you so much! To become a Patron, go to my Patreon page. Or you can just tip me if you liked this.