Brief Pause

Dear Constant Reader,

I promise I will get back to my notes about The Expo, but I just spent a glorious long weekend in sunny Florida and need to take care of a little neglected business.

But I did want to let you know that you can see me at the first meeting of The Teaseday Club tonight at The Davis Square Theatre along with Alissa Coates, Amber Rane, Delilah Spring, Sally the Altar Boy, Stella Diamond, Vikki Likkerish and Ol’ Scratch.

Also, if you’re a dancer, actor, or any kind of movement-based performer, you want to take the Body Language for Performers Workshop at B.A.B.E. on Saturday. Joe Paul Williams is an amazing instructor — he will blow your mind and open your eyes. I cannot do his fabulousness justice, so just come take the workshop. At $35 for 3 hours, it’s a bargain and you’ll leave inspired. I promise.
